Perspective From Over The Wall

Now that’s funny

So I’m sitting in the Burbank airport the other day, waiting for my flight, when I happen to overhear the guy next to me on the phone telling tales of informatics failures at wherever he had just been. I strike up a conversation and come to find out that he works for McKesson as one of their implementation specialists.

I explain my general background including the fact that I’m a licensed pharmacist in Ohio.

He gets an intrigued look on his face and proceeds to ask me, “What is up with that crazy state board of pharmacy you have in Ohio?”

My immediate response, “Don’t even get me started.”

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Lesson 5

Work time vs. Family time

Being fired and black listed from hospital work in my home town forced me to become a traveling consultant. I am gone 4 out of 7 days each and every week and live in a hotel 1900 miles from home 4 out of 7 days every week. While it may not seem ideal, it has actually been a blessing and a lesson in itself. Being gone all of the time has helped me to better understand and value the importance of family, letting go, and letting my kids enjoy being kids rather than trying to make them perfect little adults.

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Oakland / BART


I feel like I’ve been exiled.  Don’t get me wrong. I am thrilled to have a job. Thrilled. 

And normally traveling from Ohio to California will be a Monday through Thursday thing. But right now it seems rather bleak because I am away for 2 weeks on this first go around.  I realize it’s just for training because my hours aren’t actually being charged to a client.

I’m just bored out of my mind.

Right now I’m typing this on my phone on a train destined for Downtown Berkely just because I know they have food there that is within walking distance of the train that is not the hotel food (which I have grown sick of very quickly).

I just feel like I’ve been exiled.  I’m about 3000 miles away from my wife and kids and I miss them something fierce. 

Best Option

Its the best option job wise because its in a field I like that uses my PharmD knowledge and informatics knowledge, but doesn’t require me to have a license to keep the job. 

So if the Ohio Board of Pharmacy decides to ding me at some point and does do something to my RPh in Ohio, at least I still havey PharmD and still have this job.

And there are perks. My cell phone willbe paid for by my company.  My internet is paid for so I can do remote work. They are buying me a new laptop which is something aivr desired for a long while now.  They even let me pick it out which was nice.

I just can’t wait for this week to be over so I can go home and hug my kids.


I have an interview tomorrow. Expecting another next week and have a confirmed one next week. I am reluctant to propose that things are finally on the upswing for me as every time I do that, the universe has a way of smacking me back down so for now, we’re just going to say that I’m a little more hopeful today about the future than I was this time last week.

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LESSON 4: Got to find a reason why the money’s all gone

I just got my W2s. Between my various on call jobs and my full time gig, I made just shy of 150k before taxes. Since being terminated, I’m lucky if I can get enough shifts at the one on call job I have to make $400 a week before taxes. You can imagine how much it is a shock to my way of living and life suddenly going from having a ton of income to having none.

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Lesson 3: Social Media is Evil, Lawyers are Not

Social media is more than just a snazzy movie from a few years ago. It is a real, breathing, living record of your life. When used properly it can be a diary of the bad times (like this blog) that you can look upon later in life and hopefully laugh about how crappy that time was and how it made you that much more of a stronger person. When used improperly however, social media can be used to destroy any credibility that you have. Continue reading